Walking Distance: 1.59 miles
Walking Time: 35 minutes (7:00 - 7:35 p.m.)
Start & End Point: Malibu parking lot, Blomquist St., Redwood City, CA
This evening I walked the length of Blomquist St. (shown as two goldish parallel lines on the map to indicate an unimproved area, on a street), and part of Maple St. This fairly short street is home to Lyngso, Graniterock and other operations that (I'm guessing) make use of the deep water port in Redwood City; and to Malibu Grand Prix Raceway and Malibu Castle and Games.
Starting half-way down Blomquist, I first walked southeast, passing the turnoff for Malibu Raceway, and continuing until Seaport Blvd. Then I turned around and walked back down Blomquist Street, passing the Malibu attractions once more, to get to the northwest end of Blomquist. Turning down Maple St., I walked as far as the Bair Island Aquatic Center, just outside Docktown Marina. At this point, I stood on my tip toes and had my only glance of the Bay in the dark. It was late enough that most pictures I took didn't turn out. Drivers that passed me must have been puzzled to see what looked like an odd homeless woman taking pictures of dirt, and/or flashes of light (from the camera).
Pictured is a partial shot of the Malibu Castle, home to electronic games, miniature golf, and batting cages, not to mention a mini racing track a few doors down. (Only $3.50 for a game of miniature golf if you get there early and play the first hour the place is open.)
Wildlife Sightings: None. Most non-human wildlife, that might have been nearby this business street, had turned in the for the evening.
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