
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Candlestick (back-track) day - Nov. 28, 2009

Walking Distance: 4.98 miles
Walking Time: 2 hrs., 1 min. (12:46 - 2:47 p.m.)
Start & End Pt.: Candlestick Point Recreation Area
(California State Park), parking lot, San Francisco, CA

We got lucky. Today (Saturday) was a non-49er-football game day at Candlestick Park; and we parked in the Park area, across from Candlestick Park Stadium. It was sunny, but quite windy at the end of the point past the last fishing pier. You could, when gusts were strong, easily lean into the wind, without falling over.

After walking out to the Point, we walked (West) down Harney Way toward Bayshore (yellow parallel lines), retracing some of my steps along the Bay from earlier in the week.

We then walked East, and North as far along South Basin as possible. A few 49ers fans (for game next day) were starting some early tailgate picnic activities; and ground squirrels were in abundance, dashing across the trail at unpredictable intervals.

Wildlife Sightings:
16 ground squirrels; 88 sea gulls; 16 ducks; 1 black oyster catcher with orange beak; 6 crows; 26 little brown jobs (LBJs); 7 unidentified brownish shorebirds; 3 rusty screws; and 1 rabbit.