Walking Distance: .8 mile
Walking Time: 12 minutes (5:32 - 5:54 p.m.)
Start and End Point(s): Parking spots along shoulder, Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA

I continued to walk along Paradise
Drive headed toward Corte
Madera (undeveloped section of
trail, shown as double yellow lines on map).

Earlier, I passed the street(s) leading to Paradise Cay and Tiburon Yacht Club, but -- as it looked to be private property and was not included on the Bay Trail map -- I did not walk down into this development to walk along the water. However, I may (when I reach Westward Drive) walk up the Ring Mountain trail (shown as an "other trail" (purple line) on this map) when I get there tomorrow or the next day.
As it was getting dark, I tried to cover this somewhat dangerous narrow stretch of curving road as quickly as I could. I thought, once again, that the people who live along Paradise Drive, must enjoy some very nice Bay views. In fact, a few car ports (see image) along this road have a better view than any house I've seen. Lucky cars.

I had a close encounter with some landscaping at road's edge -- not so bad in February, when this palm (shown) added to the vortex of bright green plant life. Soon enough that grass will be golden brown again.
Wildlife Sightings:
1 crow, 1 Robin, and 1 little brown job (LBJ)