
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tiburon - Paradise Drive, Uplands trail - Feb. 8, 2010

Walking Distance: 4.6 miles
Walking Time: 1 hour, 49 minutes (3:05 - 4:54 p.m.)
Start and End Point: shoulder spot, (near 3300) Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA

From the car, I walked (southeast) past the Bay Conference Center, and the entrance to Romberg Tiburon Center, to the Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve loop trail (pictured as small purplish loop on Bay Trail map). This is a bit of an uphill hike through the trees, but the views at the top are well worth it.

On the way back down the trail, it started raining, so I made the rest of the walk on Paradise Drive (to Paradise Beach Park) under an umbrella, and trying not to get the camera wet. Ah well, it's hard not to appreciate the green grass and flowers that this rain brings.

 Wildlife Sightings:
1.) Paradise Drive: 1 crow, 4 turkey vultures and 1 ball
2.) Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve trail:

1 banana slug, lots of different fungi,
wildflowers, plus a few dogs walking their owners

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