
Monday, March 8, 2010

Downtown San Rafael - 3rd St. - March 4, 2010

Walking Distance: 1.4 miles
Walking Time: 28 minutes (4:03 - 4:31 p.m.)
Start and End Point: City of San Rafael Parking Garage (metered, 2 hr. spot), near 3rd. St. and Lootens Place., San Rafael, CA

One crow and 12 pigeons. That's enough to tell me I'm in a heavily urbanized area. And I was. I walked up to the intersection of 3rd and A Streets. I then walked down 3rd Street, past the transit station, under the freeway underpass (thick white line on map) with concrete pillars painted blue with flowers, to the intersection with 3rd St. and Irwin St. 

The blue fish (shown) was "swimming" in a store window.

Wildlife Sightings:
1 crow and 12 pigeons

1 comment:

  1. Hi Corinne,

    This is Dan Kaplan again. I am the Production Coordinator for The Documentary Center, a non-profit educational organization within George Washington University. We would like to use a photograph from your blog in an upcoming documentary. I apologize for attempting to reach you over your blog. I would like your email address to discuss the particulars of our project in private. My email is Please email me any question you may have. You can also contact the center at 202-994-6787.


    Dan Kaplan

    Production Coordinator
    The Documentary Center
    202 994 6787 office
    202 994 5806 fax
