Walking Distance: 1.9 miles
Walking Time: 37 minutes (3:08 - 3:45 p.m.)
Start and End Point: 1-hour (street) parking spot on Andersen Drive, San Rafael, CA

This last (eastern) stretch of Andersen Drive (area shown as double red lines on map) wound up a hill and ended at the intersection with Sir Francis Drake Blvd. (area shown as double yellow lines). I turned right on Sir Francis Drake, as no pedestrians or bicycles were allowed to turn left -- i.e. to travel the stretch of road serving as the approach to Richmond Bridge. I continued on Sir Francis Drake Blvd., passing a closed gate to San Quentin Prison, until I'd reached the point where I'd left off several days ago. Then I turned around and walked back.

Note: Although somewhat scenic, with some nice glimpses of the Bay, this route is not a walker-friendly stretch of road. It may be better for bicyclists. Cars come hurtling by you at fairly high speeds. I waited until cars had passed before taking these pictures. The good news: I did walk
much faster than usual, so I could get off these busy roads. This meant fewer photo stops, even though I wanted to take one of a San Quentin prison watch tower in the distance, with the Bay in the background. I also didn't feel comfortable taking pictures of the prison.
1 turkey vulture, 1 hubcap, 1 small lizard, and 1 duck flying overhead
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