Walking Time: 3 hours (4:20 - 7:20 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District Wildlife Ponds, Public Parking Lot, end of Smith Ranch Rd., San Rafael, CA
The day belonged to the red-winged blackbirds -- that were warbling and singing up a storm. They were everywhere - perched on cattails, bushes. One (pictured at right) posed on top of a warning sign (stating that ponds contained effluent water).
pole/post. Up until today, I'd only seen quail on the ground scuttling
into the underbrush, and maybe occasionally hopping onto low branches. This one might as well have climbed Mt. Everest as far as I was concerned. I have much to learn.
Wildlife Sightings:
61 LBJs; 44 ducks; 14 Canada geese; 24 red-winged blackbirds; 4 cormorants; 2 great white egrets; 1 snowy egret; 2 Am. Avocets; 3 Black-necked Stilts; 2 dragonflies; 2 killdeer; 1 Western Grebe; 3
hawks/falcons; 2 mockingbirds; 8 orange and brown butterflies + 3 white ones; 3 turkey vultures; 1 great blue heron; 1 bumblebee; 40 barn swallows; 1 kite; 1 crow; 3 unidentified flying bugs (UFBs); 2 smaller yellow birds (finches?) and 2 reddish birds (finches?) up on utility wires; 1 dove. Someone pointed out where they saw an otter, but I didn't see it. Several cows were munching grass in the distant background.
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