
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Leveroni Road, Sonoma - June 15, 2010

Walking Distance: 2.43 miles total
1.) 1.7 mile
2.) .73 mile
Walking Time: 51 minutes total
1.) 34 min. (8:30 - 9:04 p.m.)
2.) 17 min. (9:17 - 9:34 p.m.)
Start and End Point(s)
1.) Side of the road, on 5th St. West, Sonoma, CA
2.) Parking lot, on Broadway, near Salsa Trading Post, Sonoma, CA

Tonight was a pleasant evening to walk. As I made my way down Leveroni Rd. (heading East), the rural feel and vineyards gradually shifted to a more developed area. I was happy to see some sidewalks again, after teetering on the edge of country roads -- between the traffic rushing by on one side, and dry grass and brush on the other side.

I passed by Tex Juen Park and Vineyard with lavender bushes loaded with purple flowers, and the intersection of Leveroni Rd. and Broadway. The buildings were attractive, designed with mission-style architecture.

The Salsa Trading Post had a mission bell on a pole, used to mark El Camino Real (the royal road). A nice crescent moon was rising in the background.

I walked until the sidewalk disappeared and it became rural again, and it was so dark (no streetlights) I could no longer see where I was walking. Some of the last things I saw included a cow-shaped fund-raising sign, and an "eggs for sale" sign.

Wildlife Sightings:
14 little brown jobs (LBJs); 5 swallows; 1 cloud of bugs near Sonoma Creek -- then it got dark, and I didn't see anything else.