
Monday, June 21, 2010

Napa River Trail - JFK Memorial Park - June 17, 2010

Walking Distance: 3.6 miles (estimate)
Walking Time: 2 hrs., 7 min. total
1.) 1 hr., 31 min. (3:22 - 4:53 p.m.)
2.) 36 min. (5:00 - 5:36 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Two different parking spots (1 north end, 1 south end) of Parking lot, JFK Memorial Park, Napa, CA

On the trail at last, after taking a few minutes to find where we were going. This trail appears to end in the middle of this stretch of trail. If you're walking from north to south, be persistent and you'll find it continues south of the boat launching area. Thank you to Margaret and Albert for joining me on this walk. We had a few lizards dart away from us into the dry grass on the edge of the trail; most of the other wildlife consisted of birds, particularly red-winged blackbirds and swallows.

There were some interesting, picture-worthy clouds today. And there was enough open space by the park and river to capture some interesting cloud pictures. We passed a remote-controlled plane flying area; and a ball field. It was interesting to see a BMX biking/racing area at the southern end of this trail by the golf course. While the BMX course was closed when we walked by, the dirt hills and other features were visible through the wire fence.

We also passed a tree (shown) by the river that was loaded down with more pine cones than any other tree I remember seeing before.  Although it's hard to see the cones in this tiny picture. Maybe it was just the species of tree.

Albert (dog pictured at right) was a great bay trail walker.

Wildlife Sightings:
13 little brown jobs (LBJs); 22 red-winged blackbirds; 8 pigeons; 49 swallows; 15 white butterflies; 4 crows; 3 ducks; 2 mockingbirds; 3 lizards

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