
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Papa's Taverna, Petaluma - June 25, 2010

Walking Distance: 1.8 miles
Walking Time: 36 min. (1:59 - 2:35 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Papa's Taverna, 5688 Lakeville Highway, Petaluma, CA

Today's short walk commenced with lunch at Papa's Taverna (next to Lakeville Marina). It was a beautiful day, and Papa's restaurant dining area had a great view of boats on the Petaluma River. Downstairs from where I ate, was an area for live music and dancing, and a bar. It looked like a fun place.

After lunch, and a look around the Taverna, I walked South on Lakeville Highway, until I turned around .9 mi. later, at 6210 Lakeville Highway. On the way, I passed the Keller Estate (winery), and pastureland.

Most of the walk was in direct sun, but there were a few places with shade from some large trees.

The first lizard I saw today (shown) had a forked tail, which was interesting. Not much else to report on the wildlife front. In the distance there were horses and cows grazing.

Wildlife Sightings:
6 red-winged blackbirds, 3 lizards

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