
Friday, July 2, 2010

8th Street East, Highway 121, Sonoma - July 1, 2010

Walking Distance: 1.4 miles
Walking Time: 41 min. (8:04 - 8:45 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Roadside parking spot, on 8th St. East, Sonoma, CA

This evening I also walked north on 8th Street East, up from Fremont Drive (also known as Highway 121) -- past the Sonoma Valley Wastewater Treastment facility (with a large array of solar tracking panels) -- up to the intersection with Carneros Park Blvd., the entrance to Carneros Business Park. At this point, it was getting too dark to finish walking the complete length of 8th Street East, so I turned around to walk back toward my car.

On the way back I could see small clusters of green, unripe grapes (pictured) forming in the vineyard by the road.

The sun was setting by the time I reached my car. There were two hawks circling around above me and screeching.

 They may have been protecting a nest that could have been located in the very large row of eucalyptus trees next to my car. Trees are shown in photo at right; my tiny-looking silver car is parked at the base of the trees for perspective. Unfortunately, it was dark, and the images of the hawks (at right) are not very clear. But, I thought they were worth including.

Wildlife Sightings:

9 little brown jobs (LBJs)
2 blurs in the bushes
2 rusty screws
2 hawks, screeching and circling overhead

Hawks Circling

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