Walking Distance: 3.3 mi.
Walking Time: 1 hr., 11 min. (7:04 - 8:15 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Parking lot at the corner of Arnold Drive and Fremont Drive, Sonoma, CA

I walked from the Schellville Grill (near Broadway and Fremont Drive) to Angelo's Wine Country Deli (23400 Arnold Drive). Unfortunately, both establishments were closed for the evening by the time I arrived. However, it was a very pleasant night for a walk.

I crossed over Sonoma Creek, and it was good to see some water on its way to the San Francisco Bay. (Most of the current Bay Trail in Sonoma County is along rural roads north of the Bay.) I passed berry bushes, a tile shop, old rusting trucks and farm equipment, and the Vineyard Inn. However, most of the land was relatively undeveloped and much of the open land was devoted to agricultural use (primarily grapevines and some hay).

Wildlife Sightings:
14 little brown jobs (LBJs); 2 crows; 2 doves; 1 yellow and black bumblebee (?); and 1 rusty screw.
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