
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Highway 121, Schellville/Sonoma - July 10, 2010

Walking Distance: 1.2 miles
Walking Time: 37 minutes (4:23 - 5:00 p.m.)
Start and Stop Point: Parking at CornerStone, Sonoma, CA

Today I walked along Highway 121 (also known as Arnold Drive), and stopped at three different establishments: 1.) Angelo's Wine Country Deli (for homemade turkey jerky); 2.) CornerStone (shops, galleries/artworks, and Roots wine tasting); and 3.) the Sonoma Valley Airport to see about a bi-plane ride in the future. All interesting things to do.

I'd finished my last walk down Highway 121 at Angelo's a few days ago. The store had a nice (fake) cow in the roof; so it's relatively easy to find. They made several meat and condiment items themselves.

At Cornerstone, a group of three statues (shown at right) caught my eye, in the outside area behind "A New Leaf Gallery." There was also a tree that had been covered in blue forms, giving it a surreal appearance.

The airport was a small airport and the "RIDES" banner out by the highway got my attention. They had already put the red bi-plane away for the day; but I did gather some information about possible future rides.

I did not see much in the way of bird or wildlife (with the exception of a few crows squawking around a tree -- one is pictured at right); although there were a few fun-looking visitors from different parts of the world at CornerStone.

Crows are smart birds, and this seems to be one reason why they have
multiplied greatly in the past few decades. The photo of a crow (at right, sitting on a tree branch) is a bit small to make out its expression; the bird was cocking its head and looking at me (from a fair distance away), thinking....Well, I can only imagine.

Wildlife Sightings:
4 crows, 1 little brown job, 1 rusty screw

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