Walking Distance: 2.1 mi.
Walking Time: 52 min. (5:53 - 6:45 p.m.)
Start and End Point: dirt/unpaved pull-out area along Old Sonoma Road, Napa area, CA

This evening I returned to finish another segment of Old Sonoma Road, West of (downtown) Napa, CA. I started near Vine Village (4059 Old Sonoma Rd.) and ended at Buhman Ave. This relatively rural stretch, with low rolling hills, vineyards, and tall eucalyptus trees, with a few pastures thrown in for good measure, was a pleasant area for walking -- but for the areas where there was just a few inches of walking space between tall weeds and the road. It was nice to have some shade and a little breeze though. (Example of "shade tunnel" at right.)
This lack of walking area/shoulder situation is not uncommon in the North Bay section of the Bay Trail. And, based on my walking experiences thus far, this week I will add a "Pedestrian Advisory" page to this site that will list sections with less than six inches of walking space along roads. I also plan to add pages for "Dog Friendly" sections of the Bay Trail, and "Trail Overnights" -- with possible overnight trip suggestions.

But, back to this evening's walk...I did see a few small birds darting about, and lizards were zipping into the tall, dry grass so fast as I walked by, that I was unable to capture any with my camera. I saw many more "blurs in bushes" (18) than I did wholly formed, verifiable lizard sightings (4). It was easier in the Spring (when I believe for mating reasons) they were perched in more obvious locations and would happily (it seemed) pose for pictures. I did notice a very calm herd of cows grazing in partial shade just up the hill from me. They were so quiet and peaceful, I would almost call them stealth cows (shown at right).
On the drive back home, I stopped at the Schellville Grill, in Schellville (a few miles south of Sonoma) for dinner. (They are only open for dinner Thurs., Fri., and Sat. -- and I was happy to catch them on a night they were open. They had been closed when I walked by the restaurant during an earlier, mid-week walk.)
Wildlife Sightings:
27 little brown jobs (LBJs); 4 lizards; 2 doves; 14 cows; and 1 hawk screeching around tall eucalyptus tree; and 1 mattress.
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