
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Highway 121/Arnold Dr. - Aug. 3, 2010

Walking Distance: 1.4 miles
Walking Time: 29 min. (6:55 - 7:24 p.m.)
Start and End Point: The Fruit Basket, Arnold Drive, Sonoma, CA

I've skipped a few stretches of busy roads/highways that are part of the Bay Trail, because these areas are generally less fun and relaxing than dedicated walking trails. This is especially true of roads with 12 inches or less of road to walk on in a few places. Today I returned to finish one such segment mid-week, in the evening before sunset, when traffic was lighter. Waiting until traffic died down made for a very pleasant walk. 

I walked from The Fruit Basket, a conveniently located roadside stand with fresh produce and other grocery items, first north and then south -- as far as the entrance to Viansa Winery. Along the way I passed the Jacuzzi Family Winery (and The Olive Press), and the Cline Winery, and watched lots of birds fly overhead (some of them shown at right).

At the south end of the walk, grapevines started to yield to pasture land, with signs out advertising fresh eggs and grass fed beef. All over Sonoma County, there are signs for fresh eggs -- a few with instructions to come around back to purchase or pick them up. I'll miss seeing these signs as I work my way south and east.

Wildlife Sightings:
1 white butterfly; 137 little brown jobs/unidentified songbirds; and 4 blurs in the bushes (probably lizards)

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