
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Streblow Drive, Napa - Aug. 7, 2010

Walking Distance: 2.6 miles
Walking Time: 54 min. (7:08 - 8:02 p.m.)
Start and Stop Point: Unpaved, gravel parking area, ("Formal Garden" sign), picnic area, Napa College area, close to intersection of Streblow and Roy Patrick Drive, Napa, CA

Streblow Drive runs West-East (shown as a purple line on map, above right) and forms the Western half of the River-to-Ridge Trail which is roughly perpendicular to the Bay Trail. This trail is bisected by Highway 221 (double yellow lines on map). I walked the Western half of the River-to-Ridge trail, i.e. the River-to-Highway 221 portion. It was a pleasure to see so many birds near the Napa River and at the large pond area (that played host to many ducks and geese).

I first walked West to the Napa River, and then turned around and walked East - until I came to Highway 221. After crossing Highway 221, to see where the "Ridge" portion of the trail started, and what it looked like (see picture, below right), I turned around and walked back to the car.

Wildlife Sightings:
53 little brown jobs (LBJs)/songbirds; 9 Canada geese; 9 crows; 4 sea gulls; 10 pigeons; 13 white-fronted geese; 25 ducks; 2 white geese; 1 black-crowned night heron flying overhead; 1 blur in bushes; 6 robins

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