
Monday, December 13, 2010

Benicia Marina to Jefferson - Oct. 27, '10

Walking Distance: 2.4 miles (estimate)
Walking Time: 56 min. (5:04 - 6:00 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Public parking lot (4-hour limit) near Marina

After walking out two, small/short Public Access spurs,  I walked North on 5th Street, past the City of Benicia Wastewater Treatment Plant, took a right on East Military, then jogged left-ish onto Jefferson. It started to rain, and so I turned around at the intersection of Jefferson and Park.

Houses were decorated for Halloween (which was 3-4 days away). I liked the fake sea gull with the skeleton, the various haunted houses and and lawn tombstones.

2 mockingbirds
2 doves
2 little brown jobs (LBJs)
1 hubcap
1 ball
1 domestic cat
2 sea gulls in the distance, flying over the Bay
2 crows
1 dark bird with white wingtips and long tail (Mynah?)
(Heard a few hummingbirds closeby, but didn't actually spot any)

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