
Saturday, January 8, 2011

John Muir Historic Site, Martinez - Jan. 8, '11

Walking Distance: 1.6 miles
Walking Time: 1 hr., 15 min. (1:55 - 2:35 p.m.; and 2:58 - 3:33 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Parking lot, John Muir Historic Site, Alhambra Ave., Martinez, CA

It was a gray and wintery day, but I was excited to visit John Muir's old house. After all, here's a man who took his own 1,000 mile walk (from Indiana down to the Gulf Coast), and was famous for tramping about up in the mountains.

However, in Martinez, Muir and his family raised fruit trees. Remnants of the old orchards are still there. Red berries and new green shoots of grass provided some bits of color to an otherwise gray day.

It is also possible to see the inside of the Muir house on this site. I was especially interested in seeing John Muir's study/office upstairs, an area he called his "Scribble Den."

After visiting this site, I walked down a block or two on Alhambra to the Highway 4 onramp (pedestrians take care), then turned around to walk the remainder of Alhambra Ave. Along the way, I passed the Muir Lodge. I didn't have a chance to stop in to ask them how long they'd been there. But, they are located right on the Bay Trail.

Wildlife Sightings:
2 little brown jobs (LBJs); 1 domestic black cat; 2 turkey vultures; 1 sea gull; 1 crow

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