
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paseo Padre Parkway - June 26, '11

Walking Distance: 1.75 mi. (estim.)
Walking Time: 39 min. (7:59 - 8:38 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Public, unpaved parking lot at the corner of Patterson Ranch Rd., and Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA

As the sun set near the Coyote Hills Regional park -- which I'd just left because they were closing at 8 p.m., I re-parked my car in this gravel lot, and decided to walk some of Paseo Padre Parkway -- to the overpass (over Alameda Creek) into Union City and back again.

Along the way, I passed an interesting solar demonstration area, and was able to walk on comfortably large sidewalks both on Paseo Padre Parkway, and also along Ardenwood and Union City Blvd.

However, I would still advise caution in the area shown as double yellow/gold lines on the Bay Trail map -- the stretch where Ardenwood turns into Union City Blvd. -- as passing vehicles are moving rapidly over the overpass/bridge area.

Wildlife Sightings:
1 pillbug; 8 little brown jobs (LBJs); 34 swallows; 2 blurs in the bushes (BIBs); 4 doves; 1 hawk/falcon/kestrel

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