
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

San Leandro Marina - June 17, '11

Walking Distance: 1.8 miles (estimate)
Walking Time: 58 min. (10:48 - 11:46 a.m.)
Start and End Point: Public parking lot, San Leandro Marina area, San Leandro, CA

Today's short walk around the San Leandro Marina found us heading southish, passing the El Torito restaurant (solid red line to dotted line on the Bay Trail Map) -- around to the curved end of a piece of land (solid gold line on map) forming the north end of the Marina. We then headed back in (East) around to out (West) again to end of a peninsula further south (gray dotted line to solid red line) forming the other edge of the marina - to a pocket park, where fishing was allowed in the area.

Thank you to Sunita for joining me for today's walk, for driving, and for subsequent chocolate field trip.

Wildlife Sightings:
79 sea gulls; 15 pigeons; 4 crows; 2 cormorants; 4 ducks; 2 terns; 2 swallows

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