Walking Distance: 2.4 mi. (1.2 mi. (estim.) x 2)
Walking Time: 53 min. (7:20 - 8:13 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Public parking lot (at end of an unpaved access road/driveway) Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge Coyote Creek Lagoon; Fremont; CA
It was a pleasant summer evening for a walk, and there was just enough sunlight left to walk the north half of this Coyote Creek Lagoon trail (shown as a solid red line on the Bay Trail map) before dark.
A small parking lot located at the end of a packed, gravel and dirt road (off Fremont Blvd.), adjacent to some willow trees and a small picnic area, provided a convenient starting point for this walk. A short walk out toward the Bay will lead you to the beginning of the trail that runs along the water.

Thick marsh grasses grew on the bay (west) side of this trail (with occasional glimpses beyond (like the one with large group of American Avocets shown at right). On the land (east) side of the trail, was a channel of water/lagoon with ducks and a smattering of shorebirds -- with commercial buildings beyond on the shore.
Walking later in the day/evening means an increased chance of seeing creatures like the gray fox that I spotted hunting around some bushes. About twenty seconds later I saw a hare bolt from the same clump of bushes; I believe the lucky rabbit got away, just in the nick of time.
Wildlife Sightings:
4 little brown jobs (LBJs); 35 black-necked stilts; 1 great egret; 24 unidentified brownish shorebirds (UBBs): 2 medium size, and 22 small UBBs; 32 ducks; 32 swallows; 1 black-crowned night heron flying overhead; 40 red-winged blackbirds; 1 annoying cloud of mosquitos; 60 American Avocets; 18 Canada geese; 1 crow; 1 gray fox; 1 hare (flushed out of bushes by fox).

Walking Time: 53 min. (7:20 - 8:13 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Public parking lot (at end of an unpaved access road/driveway) Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge Coyote Creek Lagoon; Fremont; CA

A small parking lot located at the end of a packed, gravel and dirt road (off Fremont Blvd.), adjacent to some willow trees and a small picnic area, provided a convenient starting point for this walk. A short walk out toward the Bay will lead you to the beginning of the trail that runs along the water.

Thick marsh grasses grew on the bay (west) side of this trail (with occasional glimpses beyond (like the one with large group of American Avocets shown at right). On the land (east) side of the trail, was a channel of water/lagoon with ducks and a smattering of shorebirds -- with commercial buildings beyond on the shore.
Walking later in the day/evening means an increased chance of seeing creatures like the gray fox that I spotted hunting around some bushes. About twenty seconds later I saw a hare bolt from the same clump of bushes; I believe the lucky rabbit got away, just in the nick of time.

4 little brown jobs (LBJs); 35 black-necked stilts; 1 great egret; 24 unidentified brownish shorebirds (UBBs): 2 medium size, and 22 small UBBs; 32 ducks; 32 swallows; 1 black-crowned night heron flying overhead; 40 red-winged blackbirds; 1 annoying cloud of mosquitos; 60 American Avocets; 18 Canada geese; 1 crow; 1 gray fox; 1 hare (flushed out of bushes by fox).

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