
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Alameda Creek - Isherwood - Oct. 11, '11

Walking Distance: 3.1 mi. (estimate)
Walking Time: 1 hr., 42 min. (4:01 - 5:43 p.m.)
Start and End Point: Isherwood Staging Area; East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD); Fremont, CA

From the Isherwood Staging Area, I walked across the overpass/bridge to the south side of the levee trail -- to walk west/northwest on the Alameda Creek Regional Trail (shown as double purple lines on the Bay Trail map).

I walked past the Decoto bridge; and I turned around at the Beard Staging Area/parking lot. I walked back to the Isherwood Staging Area/parking lot the same way. It was nice to have designated parking lots on both ends of today's walk, with a restroom/portable bathrooms.

The signs of a fall day: acorns on the ground; green leaves turning red; lizards on rocks; fuzzy caterpillars; views of Alameda Creek and hills with dried, tawny grass, not yet green after the first rainfall.

Wildlife Sightings:
3 cormorants; 8 lizards; 2 great egrets; 2 snowy egrets; 3 squirrels (2 tree + 1 ground); 68 ducks; 7 white butterflies; 5 coots; 7 fuzzy caterpillars; 4 little brown jobs (LBJs); 7 pigeons; 42 Canada geese; 9 crows; 1 blue jay; 1 great blue heron; 4 turkey vultures (1 on ground, 3 in air)