
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Paradise Drive, Triangle Marsh - Dec. 24, '12

Walking Distance: 1.8 mi.
Walking Time: 47 min. (4:18 - 5:05 p.m.)
Start and End Point: side of road, Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA

For me, there is no better way to celebrate the holidays than to enjoy a walk between festivities. I returned to Paradise Drive for another late afternoon walk -- once again trying to eke out as much daylight time as possible before sunset.

Sometimes you have to squeeze in walking time whenever you can find it during the day. And daytime is the best time for walking or riding on Paradise Drive (not technically part of the SF Bay Trail, and shown as a dotted, dark green line on the newest 2012 - 2013 Bay Trail Maps), due to stretches of winding road through trees, with limited set-backs. However, views of San Quentin, the Richmond - San Rafael bridge, and boats passing below help justify this walk.

I started this afternoon's amble by heading south on Paradise Drive to Ranch Drive (where I'd ended my previous walk last week). I then walked down (and back up) Ranch Drive, back to Paradise Drive.

Along the way, I enjoyed bright spots of winter color. Red berries, evergreen trees and green foliage -- perfect for Christmas week in Northern California, along with interesting mosses and lichens on rocks.

After turning around, I then headed North. I passed my parked car along the way, and continued north on Paradise Drive. I felt I was returning to civilization, or at least a more urban setting. I passed Marin Montessori, and Marin Country Day School (MCDS), and was able to walk on sidewalks for part of the time.

At the other (north) end of today's loop walk, I turned around at the intersection of Paradise Drive and Westward Drive, near the city boundary (cross-over point for me), between Tiburon and Corte Madera.

I enjoyed passing Triangle Marsh, at the base of Ring Mountain on the Tiburon peninsula, where I returned to the shoreline, after enjoying the views from above for the past few weeks, up in the hills and trees. I was rewarded by the sight of a few black-necked stilts (shorebirds) in the marsh, and the sight of a rising moon.

Wildlife Sightings:
2 crows; 3 sea gulls; 3 little brown jobs (LBJs); 2 robins; 3 black-necked stilts

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