
Thank Yous

Thank You
I'm grateful to the Bay Trail team in Oakland, and all those working on adding new segments and closing gaps in the San Francisco Bay Trail. Without the efforts of many others, my first (and any subsequent) 1,000 mile walks would not be possible. 

Thank you to all those who have joined me in walks around San Francisco Bay: I've enjoyed meeting fellow walkers and catching up with old friends; sharing stories and new sights. So, thanks to all, including Toni, Alec, Laura, Elise, Sandy, Marlene, Judy, Nanette, Margaret and Albert, Jason, Andrew, Nugget, Matt, Ashish, Rhoda, Ken, Sueling, Elle, Sophie, Tom, Sunita, Dan, Teri, Susan, Cynthia, Ming, Lisa, Marit, Myles, Asher, Sierra Rose, Julie, Megan, Nancy, Cindy, John, Kurt, Ellen, Betsy, and Susan S.

Special gratitude to guest photographers willing to share images and who are credited on this site. 

I'd like to include a shout out to Robert R. and Greg H. at Alameda Public Works Department for status updates on when Alameda Creek Regional Trail would re-open in 2011. 

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to those drivers in 2010 who stopped to see if I needed a ride up in the north counties. I'm sure they felt no person in their right mind would be walking on some of those roads with little or no setback by choice, right?